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Submersible Pump Station.

Submersible Control Panel for Pump Stations.

We are presenting our New Product: a Submersible Panel Enclosure for Pump Stations tested in 8.7 feet of water, fully energized and functioning. This Submersible Panel Enclosure is patented and UL Verified V986660 for No water ingress after 30 days. During testing, the water line was 13 inches above the Panel Enclosure (24″ slab + 67″ enclosure + 13″ top water equals 104″ or 8.7ft). Our previous UL Verification of “72 hours” was recently upgraded with V986660 for No Water Ingress after 30 days, giving you more confidence when installing this enclosure.

This is the perfect solution for flood prone areas. Although this panel is not intended to work indefinitely under water, it is designed to have a resilience to flood conditions. CCT has tested it more than ten times submerged more than two or three weeks at the time and with no water ingress. Seventeen of our customized enclosure have been installed at City of Coral Gables, FL where flooding can occur during major storms. Having the water pump control system working during the heavy rain fall is critical to minimize the flooding. Our application can keep the system dry and intact during the catastrophic situations. You can see how looks below in the following video.

Submersible Panel

Please note: Verification V420512 for 72 hours has been superseded by Verification V986660 for 30 days.

CCT-HOFFMAN Submersible Panel
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