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Satie System

Our location

2230 West 77th Street Hialeah, Florida 33016




1 (305) 805-3700

Operation Hours

Mon – Fri: 8 am – 5 pm

Manufacturer of custom frames for electrical enclosure

CCT is an authorized integrator of The Satie System in United States. The Satie System was developed to make the assembly and the wiring of electrical components inside electrical enclosures easy and optimize the manufacturing process, generating significant savings in time and space.
Wiring from the front and the snap-in system ensure that servicing the panel is quick and easy. What’s more, due to the clean design and aesthetic of our system, it is much more pleasant to perform service and maintenance work on the frame. Over the past 20 years the forward-looking Satie team is continuously upgrading and adapting the system to meet the challenges of the upcoming years.


Discover all the benefits and save money by optimizing your process step-by-step from conception to maintenance through assembly and wiring.

Satie Space saving
Satie Ready to use
Satie Easy wiring
Satie Make it easy
Satie Ready to populate
Satie Adaptation
Satie Accessories



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(305) 805-3700
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